Tuesday, July 14, 2009


me wake up,

alotz of think in my mine,

i still went work today,,

oh my god,,

ermm when i went to my working place,

ermm i though my boss bankrupp eady,

ermm no wat happend..the productz got a bit nly..

ermm i ask myself,

why i came 2 work today,,

until 4o'clock...

i never sell anything asso..

ermm damm suckz,,,

people asso lyke idiot,,

dowan 2 buy,fuck off

ermm but i still never give up...

ermm xhank got coz still i can sell 6bottlez..

lookz great 4 me..

ermm..but nowadayz sell very bad..

maybe tomorow i dowan working,if still no stockz..

shame nly...



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