Thursday, December 24, 2009

Someone once warn me about something.
Being the stubborn person that I am, I denied it. Who I'm kidding? I'm not so
sure anymore. But now it comes to haunt me. If she was around she would told me
"I told you so". I admit defeat. No use denying it. Now I'm gonna sulk. But in
time, I'll get better and I'll tell her "When it comes to the matter of the
heart, there's just no way of controlling it. But even when it knocks you down,
you'll find a way to get back up again. I've enjoyed it while it last, but
now... I'll chalk it up as experience". If you're afraid to take risks, how
would you know what awaits you at the end of the road? Sometimes, it's not the
about reaching the end of the road, it's the journey that matters. Take chances,
you'll be rewarded, in one way or another...

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