Tuesday, August 11, 2009


ermm i never post for one week eady,
monday until yezterday,
me damm buzy wit my practical report,
i guest my practical report more important
xhan blogging coz,
we can write here anytime we want,
but my report,
i must write evertyme,
if not i will forget wat i did
in my practical,
i think hardworking important for
do wat we want to achieve in our life,
i did my report and my job well

tiz week me damm tired,
no enough tyme to hanging out or other thingz
ermm really tired,
wit my practical and partime job,
in tiz week everthing fine,
no more tension in my practical place,
everthing fine lyke wat i want,
in tiz week,
something happend in my life,
i did something wrong xhat really hurt me,
i dowan did it again in my life

today everthing fine,
no tension or pob,
maybe a bit no enough sleepy,
but still can control,

xhaz all 4 today,
sure if got tyme,

i will post everyday,

lotz of love


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