Thursday, August 20, 2009


i never publish for 2dayz,

anyway me damm buzy nowadayz,
really no mood think bout anything now,
but got somethnig xhat can't make me sleep tight,
ermm,i juzt think of it,

i juzt get new fren from FB,
he lookz great,
ermm he really understand who are me,
i get fren wit him for 2weekz eady,
but he really understand me,
xhaz the think xhat i lyke from him,

but i donow iz that i fall for him?
oh my god ,
pleaze help me,
im not lyke tiz b4,
im strong,
but now i become so weak coz of him,
iz xhat i realy fall 4 him,
alwayz thingking of him?

ermm but i donow how 2 said xhat 2 him,
i want he start first
iz xhat he fall for me to?

juzt wait and see lol,
i donow wat 2 said eady,
me in big trouble now?
please survive me!!!

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