Monday, July 06, 2009


Sometimes when the evening comes
As I gaze upon… the twinkling of sky
I think of you… my sweetest friend
And I can’t help but smile

Though time has changed… so many things
We’ve continued growing and learning…
through life’s lessons
Realizing each one shared with you…
Were some of my greatest blessings

Closing my eyes I can see our smiling faces
Reliving those memories… so vividly in my mind
I can’t help but wish… that our own children now
Could have known… those simpler times

Where long ago two small children… took a journey
As little feet walked… in tempo together
Where you took my hand… tiny fingers intertwined
I whispered...
“Thank you God, for this sister of mine”

There we skipped together again
In my memories ever so sweet
Once more… upon that wooded trail
There I can still hear our laughter echo
For I always find… its music for my soul

Feeling the warmth that overflows…
Into this heart of mine
In that special friendship…
We have been so blessed to know

Somehow… It always leads me back
To that ever-calming place
Whenever I get the chance… to look upon
My sisters beautiful face

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