Monday, August 17, 2009


oh my godness,

in tiz few dayz me damm buzy,

so let me share wat happend on friday until today,


ermm me a bit tension in working place,
alot of workz to do,
ermm no rezt asso,
about my partime job,
my bozz want 2 close the shop,
coz no money to pay the rent,
nowadayz salez osso low,
ermm but i love tiz job,
coz i can gain money easily,
ermm but i hope she will never close the shop,
and do something so we can work as normal,
ermmm ...


i wake at 11am,
4 me to late,

coz alwayz wake up early at 6.30,
so saturday and sunday,
i spend 2 get rezt as well,
ermm i went work as normal,
my bozz said she will never close the shop,
wow,xhank god,
at leazt i still got hope,
and i happy wit it,
so i can work normal,
no tension eady,
love u!!!
i mean my bozz,
xhaz all on saturday!!!


ermm as normal,
my holiday,
so can get more rezt,
but i spend my tyme wit my mom,
clean the house,
and wit my puppy,
ermm more,
nothing to share bout,


i feel k lol,
nothing to be happy bout,
ermm as normal,
went to my practical lol,
no much work,
more to relax,


so xhaz all,


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