Sunday, December 27, 2009

Yesterday i went to shamini house,and it was a enjoyfull journey xhat i never had in my frend home!!! She as a big house and big family who gather in her house for christmas....his aunty and uncle came from spore...and their son jason.i was little shy,coz i feel lyke disturbing them...ermmm ...but honestly..
I guess the wont feel lyke xhat..coz they invite me so nicely ..and it makes me little..happy lo...

I went to her home,coz want to join her for sheela wedding 7.30 at nite lo...
I guess im in her home at 12.30pm ,and still got alot of tyme to go lo..
Ermmm her family already have plan everthing,they plan to go beach near kuantan asso lo...and the famous beach in kuantan...of coz teluk chempedak lo...we went there at 2.00pm ...and have fun over there...took lunch in mcd lo..
After went bck,i,shamini,and her mom get ready for sheela wedding dinner..
Her father send us to the resort which sheela wedding dinner held...
Ermmm...i got saw alot of my schoolmate there...
Mostly ngo,seng,dibah,sue,zahirah,and some of sheela relative xhat i know lo..
Ermmm so far i feel so happy..xhat we gather in sheela wedding dinner...and hopefully sure she will feel the same lo..

Here a few photos xhat i snap for memoriess....

shamini,seng,charles,sheela,ngo and me

me and sheela

ngo and me

seng and me

me and shamini

me and sue

me,sue,adibah&fly,and shamini

After went bck from sheela dinner,we went to megamall for a while..
And i gather wit shamini fly,,,,
and we got took alot of pic for keep in touch..
so far im happy know shamini well..
and enter sheela wedding dinner...will miss u choo much sheela...keep in touch ♥muaxxxxxxxxxx

Sham aunty,me,shamini and her sis shanti wit her children

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